Eleics Design Pvt. Ltd. is extremely proud to announce that we are ISO 9001:2015 Certified.

Assessment for certification was done by AQC  Middle Easte LLC accredited by several bodies like IAS and member of IAF.


What is ISO 9001:2015 and Why is it Important?

ISO 9001 is a global standard that outlines the standards for a quality management system (QMS).
The standard is used by businesses to show that they can consistently deliver products and services that fulfil customer and regulatory criteria.

This indicates that the organisation has adopted a quality management system in which all processes and procedures have been meticulously planned and quality-tested to international standards.

ISO 9001:2015 does not specify what an organization’s goals should be or how they should be met.

To put it another way, it doesn’t teach someone how to operate their company.

It’s a flexible standard that allows any business to determine its own goals and how they should comply to the standard.

ISO 9001:2015 outlines the concepts that can be utilised to improve efficiencies by aligning and streamlining processes across the organisation in order to save costs, open up new opportunities, and meet regulatory obligations.


A guarantee of quality for our customers

We designed and implemented a rigorous quality management system throughout the accreditation process, which has allowed us to increase our overall performance and maintain a high level of quality in all we do.

Working toward ISO 9001 certification reflects not only our commitment to offering the best quality of service to our customers, but also our willingness to invest in cutting-edge technology and advances.

For all of the services that we provide, you can count on ELEICS to give you with exceptional service and secure service providing.


“ELEICS’s DNA has always been built on providing outstanding quality in all we do. It is a commitment to our clients that we will work tirelessly to improve. We’re not going to stop.”

 Amit Gohel, Managing Director
This certification not only anticipates our clients’ needs, but it also demonstrates our dedication to offering high-quality products and services to all of our current and future consumers.
Eleics Design Pvt Ltd - ISO 9001:2015


Certificate ISO 9001:2015 – Eleics Design Pvt. Ltd. (english) pdf